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关于延长国际中文教师奖学金(孔子学院奖学金)申请截 止时间的通知
来源:国际交流中心 发布:2020-05-07 阅读:2444

      受新冠肺炎疫情影响,全球汉语水平考试考点陆续取消了 2-5 月份的 HSK、HSKK 考试,部分国际中文教师奖学金申请者因无法取得相关考试成绩,影响了 5月 10 前提交奖学金申请的计划。根据部分推荐机构及申请者的申请,孔子学院总部将 2020 年 9 月入学奖学金申请截止时间由 5 月 10 日延长至 6 月 30 日。

Notice on Extending the Application Deadline of International Chinese Language Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship
     Affected by coronavirus pandemic, HSK Test Centers worldwide have gradually cancelled the HSK and HSKK tests since February. Some International Chinese Language Teachers (Confucius Institute) Scholarship applicants were unable to get the score reports, which affected applying for scholarships beforMay 10th. According to the requests from some recommending institutions and applicants, the Confucius Institute Headquarters hereby extend the deadline for September 2020 admission to June 30th.