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防火安全“十不准” Fire Safety“10 Dont's”
来源:国际交流学院 发布:2021-11-03 阅读:1945

1. Don't pull or connect the electric wires randonly or secretly.

2. Don't smoke in bed and throw the cigarette butts ramdomly.

3. Don't block the evacuation exits.

4. Don't burn sundries inside the building.

5. Don't take inflammable and explosive articles into the building.

6. Don't use electric-heating equipment sach as hairdryers, irons, electric blankets, etc.

7. Don't use open fire cookers like alcohol burners.

8. Don't adjust power-supply devices without permission

or other inflammable materials.

9. Don't leave your room without cutting off the electricity.

10. Don't damage the fire extinguishers or other fire-fighting facilities.

1. 不准私拉乱接电线

2. 不准卧床吸烟和乱扔烟头


4. 不准在楼内焚烧杂物

5. 不准携带易燃易爆物品入舍


7. 不准使用酒精炉等明火器具


9. 不准离开宿舍不关电源
