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Hebei Province Government Scholarship
来源:国际交流学院 发布:2021-01-18 阅读:7400

This scholarship is open to those applying for international admission to Hebei University, and it is to support foreigner students being friendly to China and excellent in academic performance, behaving good and without any criminal records. The candidates can be doctoral students, master students, undergraduate students, or the long-term (studying for more than 6 months) senior/general advanced students, language students, but not from Hong Kong, Marco or Taiwan.


Scholarship Standards

It is to pay tuition for scholarship winners, and it will be reviewed every semester. See details below:





Doctoral candidates


To be decided by the Education Department in each academic year

3-4 years

Master candidates


2-3 years



4-5 years

Language students


1-2 years

Please note: The period of scholarship is based on the degree programs and majors


Applicant Qualification


1. The applicants must be Non-Chinese citizens and possess a valid foreign passport;

2. The applicants should meet the host university admission requirements:

To apply for PhD programs, the applicant should have a master degree or equivalent, provide 2 recommendation letters from associate professors or higher positions, and be aged 40 or under at enrollment;

To apply for Master programs, the applicant should have a bachelor degree or equivalent, provide 2 recommendation letters from associate professors or higher positions, and be aged 35 or under at enrollment;

To apply for Undergraduate programs, the applicant should have a high school graduate certificate or diploma, and be aged 25 or under at enrollment;

To pursue a major of Chinese language or related majors, the applicant should meet the required language proficiency, and provide corresponding proofs, such as HSK certificate, other Chinese learning and test results.

3. Applicants who have enrolled in Hebei University should be top students with excellent academic performance, being friendly to China, abiding by the China’s laws and regulations, strictly keeping the university disciplines, behaving good, and possessing good personality and morality.

4. Foreign students who have won other scholarships including China Government Scholarship, Confucius Institute Scholarship, scholarship from dispatch country are not qualified.





Scholarship winners will get the money only if they have paid tuition, application fee and health insurance.

The winners of Scholarship are not allowed to change their admission schools and majors. The period of scholarship is based on the degree programs and majors, and will not be extended.

The university will regularly review the overall performance of Scholarship students including academic scores, learning attitudes, class attendance, social behavior, and award/punishment. Students who pass the review can keep their scholarships to continue the study in Hebei University. For those failed to pass the assessment review, their scholarships will be suspended or terminated.



Contact Us

International Student Management Office of CIEE, Hebei University


Phone:0086-312-5971109               Fax:0086-312-5971109


Address:#180 East Wusi Road, Baoding City, Hebei      

Post code:071002