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Master degree of Mathematics
来源:国际交流学院 发布:2021-01-18 阅读:1940

Hebei University began enrolling undergraduates in mathematics in 1951; enrolling postgraduates in 1978; obtaining the right to grant a master's degree in Basic Mathematics in 1984; and in 2010, the right to grant a master's degree in Mathematics as a first-level subject. Since the resumption of the college entrance examination, more than 4,000 undergraduates and more than 800 graduate students have been graduated. There are currently 45 teachers in this subject, including 25 professors, 6 doctoral supervisors, 38 teachers with doctoral degrees, and 26 teachers with overseas study experience (11 of which are one year or more); 5 of them hold positions in the Mathematical Reviews, commentator of German Mathematical Digest.

Main courses: Functional analysis, Basic Algebra, Modern Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations, Modern Theory of Partial Differential Equations, Dynamic Systems, Optimal Control Theory, Generalized Measure Theory, etc.